Terms and Conditions


You can book with MorzineTransfer by phone, email or via our website. By booking with us you are accepting our terms and conditions. If you have not received a booking confirmation from us, then we will not take responsibility for your transfer.
We require the client to provide accurate details including contact information, phone numbers, flight numbers and flight times in the local time zone. We also require accurate drop off and collection point information, if we are given an incorrect address or we cannot find you because you have put incorrect information in your booking, we will not take responsibility, or offer compensation for a missed pick-up. If we cannot contact the client on the number provided, then we will not take responsibility if they miss their transfer. Please ensure your phone is switched on and the correct number is given to MorzineTransfer. If we are unable to contact you via the number provided, we will not provide compensation for any problems with your transfer. Please make sure you put the arrival time rather than the take-off time, for any flights coming into Geneva. We will not take responsibility if we are given an incorrect time, and no refund or compensation will be offered.
Please check your booking once we send you confirmation. If there are errors, please make us aware immediately and we will make the necessary changes. If the errors are left unamended, we take no responsibility, so please check thoroughly once we send confirmation through. Similarly, if any changes are made to your travel plans, you must make us aware.


We require full payment as soon as you make your booking with us. Bookings without payment are not confirmed.
You can pay by credit card at the time of your booking over the phone or via the website. You can also pay by cheque or bank transfer, but this must be done at least 7 days before your booking.
We will not store your credit card details.


You will receive an email confirming your booking. If you do not receive this within 24 hours of making the booking, please contact us. If you notice any errors, it is also your responsibility to inform us so we can make the necessary changes to your booking.


If you want to make any amendments to your reservation, we request that you make these in writing. Depending on the nature of the changes you may be required to pay an administration fee of 25 euros. If these changes mean an increase in the value of the transfer, they will only apply once the amended bill has been paid. You can request to cancel a booking at any point, but this DOES NOT mean you are entitled to a refund.
If you cancel your booking within 24 hours of making the original booking, we will give you a full refund.
If you cancel your booking at least 14 days before travel, we will give you a full refund.
If you cancel within 14 days before your booking, we are unable to offer you a refund. However, we will provide all the necessary documents to give to your insurance company if you are able to claim the money for the transfer from them.
If, for any reason, we must cancel your booking, we will provide an alternative arrangement for you or provide a full refund.
All refunds are in euros.


Please ensure you are fully insured to cover you for all travel eventualities. We strongly advise clients to have highest level of travel insurance possible (including force majeure and winter sports cover) for protection against cancellation by the client, missed or cancelled flights, medical assistance & repatriation in the event of illness or injury, loss of service for reasons out of the control of the client or the company, loss of baggage, money and any other expenses that could be incurred.


You and your group will be the only clients traveling in the transfer vehicle. You will not be expected to share with other clients.
Private transfers are a door-to-door service.
You will be met in the Arrivals Hall by a representative of MorzineTransfer and taken to your vehicle. We aim to get you away from the airport as quickly as possible.
Prior to departing from your resort, you will be contacted via sms the day before your departure to confirm your pick-up time.
If you have booked a private transfer and you want to request a specific pick-up time from resort, we will try to accommodate this, however if you incur any costs from doing this, i.e you miss your flight or train, then we will not be liable to cover these costs. We will wait for a maximum of 10 minutes if you are not at the pick-up point at the stated time. After that we will depart. If we cannot contact you, we will assume you are not coming for your transfer.


Most of our pick-ups take place in the main Arrivals Hall in Terminal 1 of Geneva airport.
Upon touch down, could we ask you to please ensure your mobile phones are out of airplane mode, just so that we are able to communicate with you if necessary.
Once you enter the Arrivals Hall, please turn right, and walk approximately 80 metres to the Montreux Jazz Café which you will find directly in front of you. Waiting for you, just outside the café entrance, you shall find your driver holding a MorzineTransfer placard.
If for any reason you are landing or departing at Terminal 2, please make us aware, and we shall ensure that your driver will be by the exit of Terminal 2 to greet you.
If you are being taken to Avoriaz or other car free resorts then you will be dropped off and collected at a reception point on the edge of the resort. Our pick up times will reflect this so the client needs to be at the reception area for this time.


We will make you aware of a provisional pick-up time for your departure when you make a booking with us.
If there is a forecast of harsh or dangerous weather conditions, or potential delays for other unavoidable reasons, then we reserve the right to advance the pick-up time to reflect this.
We will text you the day before your pick-up to confirm your collection time.
If you have not received a pick-up time from us by 17.00pm the day before you depart, please contact us to confirm your pick-up time.
If you are late for your pick-up, we accept no responsibility for delays caused by this
If your driver is delayed and not with you within 10 minutes of the scheduled pick-up time, please contact us immediately.


We request that you only carry 2 items of luggage per person for your transfer. This can include one standard piece of hold luggage and one piece of hand luggage. You are also entitled to bring a ski or snowboard bag (max length 190cms) however this must be declared when booking.
If you exceed the above regulations, MorzineTransfer reserves the right to charge a fee to cover any costs incurred by extra luggage. If we cannot fit your luggage into our vehicle and you have not given us prior warning, then we reserve the right to refuse to complete your transfer.
Please ensure you have the correct insurance to cover your baggage, we accept no responsibility for these items.


Any children travelling under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Adults are responsible for the behaviour of their children whilst on a transfer with us.
Children under the age of 12 or those who are less than 1m 35cm in height need to use a booster or child seat. This is european law. We will provide appropriate seats for the transfer, but you must state at the time of booking what you require.


If you are made aware of any delays to your flight you must inform us as soon as possible.
On-time arrivals.If you have not contacted us one hour after your flight has landed, and we have not been able to contact you, we will assume you are not coming for your transfer and our driver will be permitted to leave the airport and continue with their schedule. You will then need to rebook and pay for a new transfer
Please contact us immediately if you are facing delays due to passport control/baggage reclaim issues.
If your flight is more than an hour late, you may be required to wait for the next available vehicle.
If your flight is more than 4 hours late, this is deemed as a cancelled booking. You will then be required to make a new booking. We will provide documentation to help you claim on your insurance.
Flights are sometimes diverted, however airlines always transport passengers to their scheduled airport. If you are later than 4 hours, the above rule applies.
If you cancel your transfer because your flight is cancelled, but this is less than 14 days before travel we will not issue a refund. Again, we will help where we can with insurance claims.


All clients must wear seatbelts.
Eating, smoking and drinking alcohol is not permitted.
MorzineTransfer will refuse to transport anybody who appears to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs or acts in an abusive way to our drivers. No refunds will be given, and no alternative travel arrangements will be made by MorzineTransfer.
If any damage is caused to the vehicle by a passenger who is intoxicated then we will charge at least 100 euros to cover the clean up. We will ask that you pay this money immediately.
We do not allow animals on our buses. Unless agreed previously with MorzineTransfer.
Please do not leave rubbish in the bus.
If you cause any damage to the interior or exterior of the vehicle you will be required to pay for the repairs immediately.


We will always endeavour to complete all of our transfers as stated in the booking, however we will not accept liability or issue refunds if a situation occurs that is out of our control. For example, if a transfer is delayed, or we cannot complete a journey because of a situation out of our control, then we do not accept liability. These circumstances can include the following, but are NOT limited to these

  • Road traffic accidents causing delays
  • Deaths or accidents causing injury on the roads
  • Vehicle breakdowns
  • Unforeseen problems caused by other passengers.
  • Industrial action.
  • Civil unrest
  • Any action of a third party that damages vehicles
  • Severe weather conditions
  • Actions of the police, customs officers or any other government officer that results in delay
  • Force Majeure (eg: war, natural disaster, infectious disease, act of god etc)


We will not share your information with any other companies or organisations unless your transfer is outsourced to another company, then we will of course share your phone number for the purpose of completing the transfer.
Any dispute between MorzineTransfer and a client or third party that is not resolved by an agreement acceptable to both parties shall be referred to an intermediary. If this is not successful then the matter shall be dealt with through the French legal system.
If we have made an error on our website, we will correct it as soon as possible. However, if this affects the pricing of a transfer, we reserve the right to alter the cost of the transfer to reflect our error.
We reserve the right to alter our website’s terms and conditions at any point.
If there is an unpredicted rise in fuel costs that affect the cost of a transfer, we reserve the right to alter the cost of your transfer to reflect this.